Lab-Grown Diamonds Prices Value

Despite the high quality of synthetic diamonds, their price remains minimal. In recent times, the price of lab-grown diamonds has continued to decline. Most jewelers don't want to work with synthetic diamonds, giving preference to natural stones. Therefore, selling them at a high price will not work. 

If you are ready that after a few years the price of artificial diamonds may decrease, you can safely choose them. We suggest paying attention to lab-created stones from James Allen and Clean Origin companies. These are high-quality stones that have certificates of AGI. Thanks to good photos, you can carefully examine diamonds before purchase. In the previous post of our blog, we talked about how to match a wedding rings to engagement ring, in this article we will consider the issue of diamond prices value.

Overview of Lab-Created Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are virtually indistinguishable from natural stones, neither in characteristics nor in appearance. Only an experienced jeweler with the help of special equipment will be able to determine their true origin. 

The structure of synthetic stones also includes carbon atoms, which ensure their high strength and visual characteristics. For example, a synthetic diamond weighing 3.01 carats was created in the laboratory. It is a large, beautiful stone, but its resale price is incredibly low.

It would be correct to say that there is no visual difference between synthetic diamonds and natural stones. In this case, we mean exactly the stones grown in the laboratory using a special technology. Any simulants and cubic zirconia can not be considered diamonds. Without going into the technical details of obtaining diamonds, the main reason for buying artificial stones is the desire to make a reasonable and durable purchase at an affordable price.

Lab-Created Diamonds VS Natural Diamonds

The biggest difference between natural and artificial diamonds is their formation time. It takes several weeks to grow a stone in the laboratory. It takes millions of years to form diamonds in nature. 

Accelerating the process of growing diamonds in the laboratory is possible due to the creation of special conditions in which carbon atoms are subjected to high temperatures and then compressed. This allows you to significantly reduce the process of forming diamonds. Natural diamonds are made by cutting rough stones mined deep underground. After growing in the laboratory, synthetic stones should also be cut to make a good shape.

If you put artificially created and natural diamonds side by side, the stones will look the same. But synthetic diamond prices and prices of natural stone will be completely different. If you compare a lab-grown diamond 1.08 H VS2 from James Allen with a round natural diamond 1.00 ct H VS2 from James Allen, you will not be able to notice the differences outwardly. But at the same time, the cost of the first is 3640 dollars, and the second – 5280 dollars. The difference in price reaches almost 45%.

Are Lab-Created Diamonds Worth Anything?

If you are buying a synthetic diamond for personal use to save money, the purchase is quite reasonable. But do not forget that when reselling, the lab-grown diamond price drops as much as possible. 

No jeweler will buy a high-priced synthetic diamond from you. Even if you try to sell it via the Internet, you will have to significantly reduce the price. Therefore, if you do not rule out the possibility that you will sell the stone in the future, you should purchase a natural diamond or lab created diamonds at a very large discount. Otherwise, you will lose your money.

Why Are Lab-Created Diamonds so Expensive?

Lab-grown diamonds are quite expensive, but much cheaper than natural stones. At the same time, such a purchase cannot be considered as an investment, because their value is completely loose during resale. And prices for natural diamonds have historically been on the rise.

If you want to resell a natural stone, at least you can get half of its value. Jewelers are ready to buy lab-grown diamonds, the price of which exceeds $3,000 for no more than 50 dollars. 

How lab-grown pricing is formed, and what makes it so expensive? Growing diamonds requires a laboratory with special equipment, specialists who can correctly reproduce the technological processes, as well as cutters who can give the grown stones the necessary shape. Unlike cubic zirconia and moissanite, which are considered cheap analogs of diamonds, in order to grow a real synthetic diamond, experts recreate natural processes in the laboratory. 

To grow diamonds, carbon atoms must be multiplied and compressed. To do this, one of two types of processes is used: Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT). Recreating these processes in the laboratory is very difficult. Therefore, the cost of lab-grown diamonds remains high.

Plummeting Value of Lab-Created Diamonds

Over the past three years, the fall in prices for synthetic diamonds is simply impressive. To begin with, it is worth considering that GIA certificates are used to assess the quality of natural stones. And artificial diamonds are marked according to the criteria of the IGI laboratory. 

For example, if you compare a natural diamond 0.70 J VS1 from James Allen with a GIA certificate and an artificial diamond 0,70 I VS1 from Brilliant Earth with an IGI certificate, you can get interesting conclusions. In 2017, artificial stone costs $1,870 and natural stone costs $1,590, up 25%. But a year later, you could buy a round artificial diamond for $890, while the same natural stone cost $1,800.

The fall in prices reveals another interesting trend. The price of large diamonds falls faster than smaller ones. This means that their cost is completely dependent on the cost of the technological process. At the same time, the stones themselves have no value. And the price of natural diamonds continues to rise steadily, as their reserves are limited. According to a Bain & Company report, the cost of synthetic diamonds has almost halved over the past two years.

In conclusion, we can say that despite the fact that the price of synthetic diamonds continues to fall, there is a demand for them. Stones grown in the laboratory should be chosen by those who want to reasonably save on the purchase of an engagement ring and are prepared in advance for the fact that its price will drop significantly in a few years. Artificial diamonds are also chosen by people who want to protect the environment and are against the construction of diamond mines. Also, in our store, you can choose a large assortment of lab grown diamonds for sale by different shapes.